בוגל - חיפוש עברי בגוגל All about Boogle.co.il, the hebrew search in Google
What is Boogle.co.il?
Boogle.co.il is a gate for using google in hebrew in the hebrew way...
But you can make an hebrew search directly in Google. So why use Boogle.co.il?
That's right, but Google does not understand the hebrew language structure...
And Google understands english???
Oh yeah!! Google, for example, has a correction mechanism, and a dictionary...
So how does Boogle.co.il help me search Google?
Well, in general, Boogle.co.il processes your request,
and sends a request to Google.
Can i get an example?
Sure. In hebrew, some letters should appear differently when they are
at the end of a word or in the middle of it.
Boogle.co.il corrects this kind of errors.
How does Boogle.co.il help me with using Google?
Boogle.co.il allows you to use reserved words that are originally English only:
In Google, you can use OR in your search phrase.
Boogle.co.il allows you to use the hebrew equivalent in your hebrew phrase.
What is the origin of the name Boogle.co.il?
It comes from the greek mythology: the name of the search god.
Seriously: Its only because its similar to google. That's all...
Who is behind Boogle.co.il?
Boogle.co.il is a project of Komsel Information Systems, as a service to our clients.
Who is behind the Boogle.co.il Logo?
Boogle.co.il logo was designed by Studio 3, specializing in creative solutions of visual communications.